What products can be used to increase potency?

Proper nutrition is the main condition for maintaining potency. A large amount of junk food - fast food, fried and smoked foods, coffee, alcohol - negatively affects erectile function. Products for potency help maintain health until a ripe old age. Men with sexual dysfunctions need to know what to eat to increase libido.

Products for male potency

Top 20 time-tested products

With age, many men experience problems with achieving an erection, with premature ejaculation, and a decrease in the duration of intercourse. Proper nutrition will help to get rid of these disorders, including a list of foods that have a beneficial effect on male potency.


The diet should contain nuts. Their effect on the body:

  1. 75g of walnuts eaten daily improves sperm quality. Already in 1 week of such a nutty diet, the form of spermatozoa improves, their number increases.
  2. Brazil nuts increase testosterone levels in men, which can increase sex drive. Only 3 Brazil nuts fully satisfy the needs of the human body for selenium.
  3. Cashew nuts increase sperm production. They fight fatigue, saturate the body with energy.
  4. Daily consumption of a small amount of almonds reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, normalizes metabolism and helps to raise testosterone levels.

Camel stomach

Camel stomach for increased sexual strength

This exotic dish instantly has a strong aphrodisiac effect. The causative agent should be taken about half an hour before the expected sexual intercourse. To increase sexual strength and stamina, it is recommended to consume only 5 g of camel stomach.

An alternative to this exotic instant aphrodisiac is rennet tincture. For its preparation, the jerky stomach is poured with vodka for several weeks. This tincture is stored for a long time, it can be taken in 1 tsp. to increase sexual stamina.


This seafood contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, trace elements (among them, useful for men's health - selenium, zinc, phosphorus, nickel) and amino acids - valine, tyrosine, tryptophan, leucine and arginine. The increased concentration of active substances for potency is due to the fact that oysters have a filtration type of nutrition, which means that useful substances accumulate in the body of the mollusk in large quantities.

Oyster is a powerful sex drive stimulant

Eating a small amount of oysters daily can help increase testosterone production and sperm count. Zinc, selenium and arginine contribute to an increase in the number of active viable spermatozoa, an increase in the volume of semen. The amino acids and vitamins that make up the oyster meat increase the duration of coitus and shorten the refractory period after ejaculation.

Oysters are also one of the most powerful sex drive stimulants. An aphrodisiac helps to increase the production of dopamine in the brain. To stimulate libido, it is enough to consume 10 fresh shellfish.

Quail eggs

Regular consumption of these eggs helps to increase blood circulation in the genital area. This product is extremely useful for blood vessels because it helps dissolve atherosclerotic plaques. Quail eggs are also necessary for the full production of testosterone, without which normal sex drive is impossible.

Eggs have a beneficial effect on the prostate, saturate it with zinc and other beneficial substances. Effective against benign prostatic hyperplasia, prevent accelerated ejaculation. Regular consumption of quail eggs contributes to:

  • improving the quality of transmission of nerve impulses;
  • normalization of the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • increased sense of satisfaction;
  • shortening the recovery period between orgasms;
  • increased orgasm;
  • an increase in the duration of an erection;
  • increased erection.

To have a beneficial effect, it is enough to drink 4 quail eggs a day.


Grapes help to strengthen erection

These sweet berries have a positive effect on the male body. They are especially useful for men with heart disease. Polyphenol, which is part of the berries, improves metabolism, normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood. All this improves blood circulation, incl. in the genital area, which helps to strengthen erection and increase its duration.

Laboratory studies prove the benefits of grapes for male infertility. Fetuses increase the number and activity of sperm, so men are more likely to conceive.

Honey and bee bread

Honey is effective in restoring male potency and increasing sex drive. It is also the most affordable treatment for impotence. This beekeeping product is considered the most powerful aphrodisiac.

It is enough to consume no more than 2 tablespoons per day. bee treats. It can be washed down with water or added a little to tea.

Perga is a storehouse of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the male body. This product is capable of replacing almost all vitamin complexes. Eating bee bread helps to eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in the blood.

Perga contains a large amount of amino acids. Increases sperm count and strength when taken regularly. This beekeeping product is also used to restore male potency, because it helps to increase blood circulation.

It is forbidden to use honey and bee bread if you are allergic to any of the beekeeping products.


This vegetable is able not only to relieve cough and soothe pain, but also to increase potency. The turnip contains vitamins (with an almost complete set of B vitamins), fiber, a large number of trace elements, Turnip normalizes potencynecessary to restore normal potency, essential oils. Glucoraphanin contributes to enhanced protection against adenoma and prostate cancer.

The systematic use of turnip dishes reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, due to which blood circulation in the pelvic region increases. Turnip improves the conduction of nerve impulses, so that men experience orgasm sharper and brighter.

It is forbidden to use turnips for acute hepatitis, cholecystitis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.


It is a delicious remedy for the prevention of erectile dysfunction in men. Contains:

Eating chocolate - preventing erectile dysfunction
  • dopamine (improves mood);
  • tryptophan (increases passion);
  • phenylfetamine (activates the areas of the brain that are responsible for the onset of sexual pleasure and pleasure, enhances the production of the "hormone of happiness);
  • anandamide (promotes euphoria);
  • endorphin (positively affects desire);
  • theobromine (contributes to maintaining a good mood for a long time).

Men should eat a small amount of treats every day. It is better if the content of cocoa products in chocolate is more than 65%.

Flounder increases stamina during sex


Healthy sea fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamins. Flounder has a high zinc content. The high amount of protein helps to accelerate the growth of muscle mass, which increases endurance during sex, makes intercourse longer.


This vegetable contains the hormone aldosterone, which stimulates testicular activity. Vitamin and mineral composition of celery normalizes the work of all organs, tones and rejuvenates the body.

The benefit of this vegetable is also in the fact that it regulates the functioning of the genitourinary system, which is inextricably linked with the reproductive system. The root removes swelling, dissolves cholesterol plaques, removes stones from the kidneys and bladder.


Includes folic acid, copper, vitamins B6, K, C, potassium. The presence of avocados in the diet protects the body from male diseases and sexual dysfunctions.


This fruit is used not only for health, but also to enhance potency. Pomegranate contains vitamins, zinc, helping to restore male strength. The benefits of the red fruit are as follows:

  • participates in the production of dopamine - the hormone of joy;
  • normalizes the work of the gonads, which are involved in the synthesis of testosterone;
  • maintains the normal state of blood vessels;
  • increases the speed of impulses, restores the activity of the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system;
  • improves sperm composition;
  • increases the number of viable sperm.

Certain types of meat

Meat is a male product that has a positive effect on potency. But this property is possessed only by easily digestible meats containing a minimum amount of fat.

The most useful is beef. It is the best food for maintaining sexual stamina. Beef has high nutritional quality, is high in calories and is well digestible. Contains zinc, an essential amino acid that promotes testosterone production.

Meat in a man's diet to increase potency

To increase potency, men are advised to consume the following types of meat:

  1. Chicken. It gives strength, activates the production of testosterone.
  2. Rabbit meat. Meat contains zinc, iron, potassium, all vitamins necessary for men's health.
  3. Horse meat. This meat is balanced in its composition. It is recommended to enhance sexual function in men, to improve sperm production and the quality of semen. Horse meat prevents infertility.
  4. Olenin. It is a low-calorie dietary product. It is an effective erection-enhancing agent that promotes intense testosterone production.

Pumpkin seed

Pumpkin seeds contain vitamins A, B, E, K, F, zinc and phosphorus, organic acids: alpha-lipoic, linoleic, folic. These include polyunsaturated acids - omega-3 and omega-6. All this is of great importance for men's health. 100 g of seeds contain half the daily value of zinc, which is responsible for the normal synthesis of testosterone.

Pumpkin seeds are used for the prevention of male diseases associated with a decrease in the function of the prostate gland and benign proliferation of its tissues. This tasty product strengthens the heart and vascular system due to its high content of vitamin F.

Pumpkin seeds are best eaten raw. If you fry them even a little, they will lose some of their nutritional properties. Pumpkin seeds with honey are especially tasty and healthy.


Dates have a positive effect on the body of men

Fruits in the form of dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the body of men:

  • stimulate brain activity;
  • restore the functioning of the nervous system in conditions of increased emotional stress and stress;
  • increase physical endurance;
  • remove harmful cholesterol;
  • destroy pathogenic organisms.

To provide the body with a daily norm of magnesium and half the norm of iron, it is enough to consume 7 dates every day. The same amount of dried fruit will be indispensable for restoring the normal volume of semen and the required number of viable sperm.

Spicy greens

Greens have a beneficial effect on the work of the male body

Greens used as a spice have a positive effect on the work of the male body. To restore potency and sex drive, it is useful to take such herbs:

  1. Parsley. It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain potency. Parsley normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, increases the absorption of calcium, promotes the production of testosterone and maintains a strong erection. These greens prevent the development of prostatitis.
  2. Dill. Contains vitamins C, E, B, as well as calcium, potassium. It is a source of arginine, which dilates blood vessels and enhances erection. Consuming the seeds of this plant causes blood flow to the penis, which helps to increase erections.
  3. Kinzu. Suppresses depression and improves mood. To enhance potency, it is better to eat fresh cilantro. For the prevention of prostatitis, it is advisable to use this spice with dill and parsley seeds.
  4. Basil. Contains Evengol, which removes harmful cholesterol. This cleans the blood vessels and helps to maintain a long and strong erection.


This spice improves a man's well-being, restores confidence in sexual power. The root of the plant has a strong tonic effect and, with regular use, increases testosterone levels, enhances libido. Even a small amount of ginger increases the production of healthy germ cells.

Ginger root has an active antitumor effect. It prevents the development of adenoma.

Garlic is a fast-acting aphrodisiac


A strong, fast-acting aphrodisiac is indispensable for erectile dysfunction. It dissolves bad cholesterol and stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs. Garlic promotes testosterone synthesis, normalizes testicular function.

Garlic is consumed raw, boiled and as a seasoning for dishes.


This fish contains a large amount of easily digestible protein and a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids that improve physical fitness.

Mackerel helps to activate the production of sex hormones, reduce irritability. Regular consumption of this fish helps to increase the physical stamina needed for sex.

Mussels increase testosterone production


These shellfish contain the entire range of trace elements and vitamins necessary to maintain potency. They are a source of valuable omega acids, provide the body with zinc and iodine. Amino acids contained in mussel meat enhance libido, increase testosterone production.

Mussels contain 2. 5 times more protein than beef.

Easy recipes and dishes for men's health

Apple salad with celery and nuts

The following light and healthy meals are prepared for men:

  1. Apple salad with celery and nuts. For its preparation, apples are cut into cubes, celery and nuts are added to them. For dressing, squeeze lemon juice, mix it with yogurt, season with salt and sugar.
  2. Beef with ginger. Peel and chop the onion and ginger root. Remove the core from the pepper, cut it into cubes. The beef is washed, peeled and cut from the side in the form of a "pocket". They put vegetables in it. Pickled in oil, wine, hop-suneli seasoning. Fried in a pan.
  3. Dates with gorgonzola cheese. Dried fruits are washed, a longitudinal incision is made, the bone is removed. Cheese is kneaded with a fork with lemon zest. A small ball of cheese is placed in each date and pressed.

Alternative ways

To increase potency, men can use medicines containing biologically active substances. But they do not have a beneficial effect on the body. Only natural products help to maintain and enhance potency without harmful consequences for the body.


Products that increase potency should be in a man's diet every day, they are used to prepare tasty and healthy dishes. A rational diet is an excellent alternative to taking chemically synthesized drugs to increase potency.